Maybe that was the Tom Sawyer psychology behind it. Worked on me.
I sat down at her kitchen table to find my own juicer, by gum. And Etsy delivered. This metal stand juicer was from atticfinder on etsy. I liked the red color, the scratchy paint (which doesn't contact the food ) and the "DeLuxe" promise inscribed. It works like a vise, clamping down on that lemon and yielding every bit of juice it has to offer. I've actually had a lot worse results with modern gadgets.
Whilst I was looking for interesting vintage kitchen things, I got completely distracted by sparkly shiny things, of course.
This beauty is an enamel floral brooch from AllieEtCie. Allie is a lovely shopowner, also at etsy, who carries all sorts of vintage goodies, including mirrors, porcelain, pottery, and a very retro bar set I have my eye on. Allie was a great help from start to follow up. Give her a visit this week.
I'm also collecting old Ball jars with the zinc lids with some idea of putting a pump dispenser in them so that pumping out some dish detergent to tackle a sink full of bowls and glasses will be a real Martha moment for me.
Vintage, it's a good thing.